Friday, July 16, 2010

Want To Be Thin?

There is no point of trying to make you understand you just won't understand!

Things are different now! You just do not know me! These are but a few of the words that a parent can hear from their daughter and of course their son as well, but this article in particular is talking about the a young girls struggle.

Girls have it different then boys. Yes, that is true. We can except a boy wilth a big belly, but a girl she is just not "a real girl". Think of it for a moment financial structure of society would not be the same if it were not for females. Look at all the stores that exist just to make the female more attractive. Make-up, diamonds, clothing and tummy tucks and on and on.

Yes males can find these things, but not in the same volume. So hear we find a young girl born into our society with the struggle to be pretty and sexy for who the male. It is the attractive model who sells the clothes or cars or whatever, and she is nice and thin. She often acquires her self worth by her appearance. She constantly is looking for that affirmation that she is some one special. and may be not even special. So how does a parent help their young girl develop self worth? How does a parent help their struggling girl to become a"WHOLE PERSON" in a society that values her for only her shape? You see it is not easy for parents to help their struggling daughter,especially mothers because she to is influenced by the same values. The value for females is she must be "THIN". Their clothes are meticulously chosen, each detail keeping with today's fashion. They wear makeup and body jewelry all to please.

If what I said is true then food can become a source of anxiety and terror because it can represent weight gain. Mothers have a very important role and being a positive role model. How many times have men said to their wives you are just like your mother. Yes we can see ourselves in our parents. What can mothers do to help their daughters to grow into a healthy women? I present to you four guide lines to help you develop a "whole life".

1. Never compare her to another person. Comparing only reinforces a negetive self image. For example, if your daughter is overweight and you are walking down the mall and see a slender sexy female in a shop do not say," would you not like to look like that." You must develop positive self image in your daughter because any weight control is attempted. Remember you and daughter may never be as thin as a model, your biological barreirs may be different, but that does not mean that you can not be a good healthy weight for you and feel good about it.

2. Attractiveness begins with the attitude. If you and your daughter are happy in your selves, if you believe that your self worth comes from what you do and who you are, not by what you look like you are both on the road to fulfillment. As a mother continuelly re-affirm her and yourself every day that you are special and your daughter is special. She is special because she is deeply loved. She is special because she brings joy to your life.

3. You can loose weight not be someone who has self worth, because you have self worth, but you want to loose weight because that is healthy, and healthy people feel much better. Healthy people feel better physically and mentally. Our bodies are but machine, and machines break down depending on how they are looked after and our bodies are the same.

Finally, loosing weight and exercise must become a mind set. So often we do things because we have to, we should, however, try to develop a routine, and have a mind. Look for a proper diet and exercise program that fits you and make it fun. If you make you diet and exercise program fun you will be building a relationship with your daughter that will reap future rewards for both of you.

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